To change the details of or delete an existing Income record, use the Income report to locate
the record of interest. Use the parameters page to help narrow your search by entering details
such as customer, dates or type of income .
If you do not set any parameters the report will show all income records - this might be a lot!
The report will display brief details of each record that matchs your search criteria.
To amend a record: just tap on the record that you want to edit and full details will be loaded in to the Income form.
You can then make changes and save them in the same way as if you were adding a new item.
Deleting records is similar to deleting emails on your iPhone®.
To delete a single record: Swipe across the record in question and tap Delete.
To delete several records at once: Tap the Edit button, then tap each record in turn that you want to delete,
then tap the Delete button.
To find all income from a customer use the Income report. Use the parameters page to select the customer, then run the report. The report will display brief details of each record for your chosen customer. Tap on any record to see full details for that transaction.
Yes. You can set the app to leave items as unpaid when you create them if customers normally pay you at a later date. Go to the preferences screen (tap the settings icon on the Income screen or go to More->Maintenance->Preferences) and set 'Default Income to Paid' to Off.
This option is useful if you are paid immediatley and bank your earnings on the same day. If you do not operate
like this, you can switch this option off in the peferences screen. There are two ways of doing this:
By tapping the settings icon on the Income screen.
By tapping More->Maintenance->Preferences.
Once in preferences set 'Set Banked date to Earned Date' to Off.
You can change the action for the current record only whenever you set the Date Earned.
To see how much you have earned in the current financial year, run the 'Earnings to Date' report.
To see how much you have earned for any other period use the 'Ad-Hoc Earnings' report. Set a
start and end date for the period you are interested in.
To change the details of or delete an existing Expense or Stock record, use the Expense or
Stock Purchase report as appropriate to locate the record of interest.
Use the parameters page to help narrow your search by entering details such as Supplier,
dates or expense type/stock item .
If you do not set any parameters the report will show all Expense or Stock records - this might
be a lot!
The report will display brief details of each record that matchs your search criteria.
To amend a record: just tap on the record that you want to edit and full details will be loaded
in to the Expense/Stock form.
You can then make changes and save them in the same way as if you were adding a new item.
Deleting records is similar to deleting emails on your iPhone.
To delete a single record: Swipe across the record in question and tap Delete.
To delete several records at once: Tap the Edit button, then tap each record in turn that
you want to delete, then tap the Delete button.
To find all Expense Purchases made from a supplier use the Expense report. Use the parameters page to select the supplier, then run the report. The report will display brief details of each record for your chosen supplier. Tap on any record to see full details.
To find all Stock Purchases made from a supplier use the Stock report. Use the parameters page to select the supplier, then run the report. The report will display brief details of each stock purchase from your chosen supplier. Tap on any record to see full details.
These fields are not mandatory, so you do not need to complete them. Use them if you want to keep a record of the start and end point for each journey.
This feature is not available in Simple BK at the moment, but will be added in a future release. Provided your mileage rate has remained the same, you can calculate your mileage from the 'Mileage Claim' value in the 'Earnings to Date' or 'Ad-hoc Earnings' reports. Simply divide the amount shown by your mileage rate to get the number of miles travelled.
The Banking report shows you all items of income that haven't been banked. You can use it to reconcile your cash in hand. See the Banking page for further details.
Yes. Whenever you set a date range the report will include those records that fall on the start and end dates as well as everything in between. If you just set a start date then everything from that date forward will be included in your report; if you just set an end date then everything up to and including that date will be included in your report.
Yes, this is an option that can be switched off. Go to the preferences screen (tap the settings icon on the Income screen or go to More->Maintenance->Preferences) and set 'Vibrate on Save' to Off.
No. The system assumes you will enter income, expenses etc. as you go along and therefore all dates on data entry screens default to the current date. You can change the date if you do your bookkeeping at a later date, but currently there is no facility to set a default value other than today's date.
You can use the Notes field to record anything that isn't covered by the rest of the form. If you don't need to record anymore information, then just leave it blank.
There are limits on the length of text that can be saved. Descriptions of Income and Expense/Stock types is limited to 50 characters. Notes fields can store 256 characters; and Mileage To and From can also store 50 characters only. When the limit is reached Simple BK willnot accept anymore typing to prevent a system error.
The 'Upgrade to full app' link is only displayed in the trial version of the app. Once you have purchased the upgrade and relaunced the app the link no longer appears. If you have to reinstall the app for any reason, the App Store will remember your purchase and you will be able to upgrade without having to pay again. But remember, deleting the app will also delete all the information stored in it.
There are limits to what can be stored in individual entries as descried in the answer to the 'I Can't Add Anymore Text to a Description. What is Wrong?' question above. The only limit on the number of entries (Income/Expense items, etc.) is the storage capacity of your iPhone or iPad Touch and its memory limitations when repoorting on your data. It is unlikely that you will reach these limits, but if you do it is recommended that you archive off older records through the export facility and then delete them to free up space.
Yes, you can switch off the prompt that warns you if any optional data is missing in the
Preferences screen. There are two ways of doing this:
By tapping the settings icon on the Income screen.
By tapping More->Maintenance->Preferences.
Once in preferences set 'Warn if Optional Data Missing' to Off.