Expense Screenshot


Use the Expense screen to record details of expenses you incur and any stock purchases you make. The date defaults to today's date and can be changed by tapping on the current value and selecting a new date.

Tapping on 'Select Supplier' brings up your Contacts list to select a supplier from. If the supplier is not in your Contacts list, tap on the 'Plus' button App Screenshot to add a new Contact. You just need to add a first and last name, or even just a last name will do.

When you tap on 'Select Expense Type' a list of expense or stock purchase types will appear, or if it is a one off purchase that is unlikely to be repeated you can add it as you go without adding it to the expenses list. The expense types list is maintained by by you, see the maintaining Expense Items page for details of how to add and manage expense types.

Use the 'Stock Purchase?' flag to distinguish between items that are an expense to your business, and those that you purchase for resale (stock).

Add a quantity and rate (purchase price) for your purchase. These fields may have been completed for you by Simple BK, depending on how you you set up your expense items. The receipt field is optional, use it if you number your physical receipts to help keep track of them.

The Notes filed is also optional where you can record any additional information that is useful to you.

Tap 'Save/Next' when you have completed all the details you wish to record. You will not be able to save a record if any mandatory fields are missing. When all is well a 'Record Saved' message will appear and the phone will vibrate briefly to incicate that the record has been saved. Tapping on the Cancel button will clear the fields on the form when adding a new expense, or return you to the expense or stock list if you are editing an existing record.